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[Root] [Easy Fix] All of Nougat Custom Rom's troubleshooting of Bluetooth can be easily solved.

 [Root] [Easy Fix] All of Nougat Custom Rom's troubleshooting of Bluetooth can be easily solved. Greetings! How are you all? , Even today, I have seen Md Nayem islam. Seeing the title, you know what the post is about ... . It is sad to say that today's post is about my issue With the custom ROM ... A lot of days have come up with a bug fix today. .


The bug is our most familiar Nougat ROM, many of our devices do not work on this Bluetooth. Now these are not the problems of ROM or the problem of our device. But I've got many bugs in this bug. .


 For example


- (for example) 1 = Lineage OS 14.1 2 = Dot OS N 3 = Mokee OS 4 = Ressurrection Remix RR N 5 = Nuclear Rom N 6 = Viper OS 7 = AOSP_JDC 8 = Porn Aosp N 9 = AEX 3.6 10 = AEX 4.6

The issue is that I am facing this problem many times ... Google too has searched for this problem to solve it, But it has to be frustrated with the sadness ... . It is difficult to understand why this bluetooth fix of Nogat Ram has not been given or has not been given by any developer. . Many ROM ports may fix bugs So they will not give importance to the post. It does not matter whether it is direction or not. When posting, the main purpose of fading "bug" is to do it

 So many people find the patch of Bluetooth fix CM12 after the search. So I got a fix by compiling it out .... Inshallah, which will work on all of our nogata based ram So I share with you, because maybe like me Many have realized the problem .... . I'm so sorry .... I'm so sorry if someone feels bad ... . Now come the words of the work ....

Required .


 1 = Recovery TWRP / Philz (which you are used to) 2 = Fix Bluetooth For Nougat (Must) 3 = Some caution and patience.
Need to know ... The fix will work only on the NoGat based ROMs Those who do not have bugs, they just do not go to trick ... (What is the need to eat ghost kilani to stay happy). . . Job type: . Step-1 First download Fix Bluetooth On Nougat Rom.zip from my given link Make it <Add Less Link, so there is no problem ... . 


Step-2 Visit your favorite Recovery Mod TWRP / Philz at this time. (There is one key combination of one device for recovery mode.) .

Step-3 Flash the zip file "Fix Bluetooth On Nougat Rom" downloaded this time. .


 Step-4 Wipe Delvic / Art Cache if you have Flash Compilation. (Must) Otherwise, the phone will not boot. 


. Step-5 Give this phone a reboot ... As the Wipe cache is done, it will take 5-7 minutes to optimize all the options. wait. . . . Done 👍👍👍👍👍👍 . This time, Inshallah will not have to face this bug again ... Bug fixes . See the phone's Bluetooth work this time. 

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